Saturday, November 27, 2010

Did You Miss Me?

That old foe fatigue has had me by the eyelashes and I have been offline for some time. Am on my way back but slowly. My work has suffered somewhat over the last couple of months, the struggle to gain my energy is a long process requiring patience. Patience sucks. They call me 'Half day Harry' at work. Being a parent to two teenagers both with jobs and the typical social life of their age and I have been gardening lately. Phew, what was I thinking? Maybe I am getting old....nahh! Mentally I am still immature anyway.

Update: We had one of our ganders die today. I noticed yesterday morning that his wings were droopy and thought fleetingly of tick poisoning but was on my way out to work and let that particular thought go. By the time I got home at lunchtime he was unable to stand. I found the engorged paralysis tick on his neck straight away and removed it but he has been struggling ever since. In the end I was syringing water into his mouth and had him in the laundry basket inside. After a gallant battle he died. I don't know if there was a second tick on him, I looked repeatedly but there are so many damn feathers on those birds it is a near impossible job. It is always very sad when we loose an animal.

Got my first Christmas card this week. It has spurred me on to start mine. Nearly finished my gift shopping. I try to have everything out of the way before the shopping centres go crazy because they drive me crazy with the crowds and noise.

Will post some new photos soon, signing out!

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