Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beasties in the Bush

Leeches, aren't they great....perhaps not. Went camera crazy in the bush (discovered much later my lens was smeared so unfortunately a lot of the photos are rubbish) and when I felt that sensation of being kissed on the ankle I found this little chappie. Wow, gotta' get a photo says I. Your mad Mum, get it off. Adjusted settings on said camera and was bending down to get my David Attenborough moment when Oh, it's biting me! Teens (3 of them) think me crazier than a bull ant but I get my photo. Not quite David Attenborough and you can see my legs need trimming with a brush cutter but I got the little sucker off before he broke through the skin. Unlike the school friend who discovered two on her ankle as we were driving back to town. She bravely suffered them till we arrived at the supermarket car park and then the Lovely Husband and I left them to deal with it while we went and purchased supplies. Those leeches got a feed.

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