The cake was low in fat, high in fibre, all those things the teens cannot bear which was just as well because I was taking it to work for morning tea anyhoo.
You may notice that some of the 'brains' (apricots) have disappeared into the quagmire and a couple are sitting nicely on top. (I did this on purpose of course. It had nothing to do with my baking ability!) It is symbolic of my life. The ones that have sunk into the quagmire (cake) represent my bad days, days when the old noggin is not functioning well and in a thick haze. The brains sitting nicely on top are my good days when everything is clear and functioning beautifully. There are, of course, the ones half way between and this represents my life on the whole. All in all I am a very yummy and delectable morsel that is not bad for you and might even unblock your bowel.
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