Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brainy Rainy Day

Phew, I have been to university for TWO (2) HOURS man!  Already I feel more intelligent.  I purchased my text book for a million dollars, got my parking permit and even found my classroom, in torrential rain, without a problem.  Had to climb the mother of all hills to get to it but still, it was where it was supposed to be.  In fact found my classroom so efficiently I had time to buy a cuppa joe, actually it was a cuppa jo jo - hot chocolate.  I don't drink coffee. 

In class I listened intently, only yawned once or twice and I even asked questions.  That was how I found out I had registered in two different classes for the one subject.  Poopanola.  It turns out the second TWO hours I attend later this week should be in the afternoon between 1 and 3.  I chose and registered for the morning session which turns out is not my class at all.  As my brain shuts down between the hours of 1 and 3 I cannot attend.  So-o-o, I have to dis-enrol from that subject and start again but this time externally.  I will be attending uni from my home, from the country cottage I reside in, 12km away from the uni on the hill.  WHAT ABOUT MY PARKING PERMIT?  THE TOGA PARTIES?  THE GENERAL CAMARADERIE FROM THE CLASSROOM? 

I am sure the dogs and I will have a few laughs, they will watch me drink my home made chai latte on skim and we will look back at our uni days with some nostalgia.  I am sure I will feel equally as intelligent.  I guess I don't have to climb the mother of all hills to go to class.  My parking permit can still be attached to the car in the garage, it won't hurt anyone.

I hope I can successfully dis-enrol (I made that word up) and re-enrol.  I have no idea how to attend uni externally but I am sure I will soon learn.  It could be called slipper class, or dust bunny uni or even 'where the hell do I get some self discipline from?' learning.  Onwards and upwards!  Have I mentioned that I feel more intelligent already (forgetting the fact that I mis-enrolled - another new word)?  Wish me luck people, I will certainly need it.