Thursday, December 8, 2011

Twisted Sister, Dynamic Daughter & Jamie Oliver

We have just had a visit from the Twisted Sister from the Twisted City and it was a lot of fun.   A lot of our conversations and laughter evolves around food for some reason but that is not so bad.  She ain't a bad ol' stick really, we love her.

While Twisted Sister was here the 15 year old Dynamic Daughter came up with a drinking game while watching Jamie Oliver on TV.  Yes I said 15 year old.  We were all joking about how Jamie loves his olive oil "me ol' mate" and salt "just a bit of" with nearly all savoury dishes.  I am sure if he could find a reason he would put them into sweet stuff as well.  So DD suggested we have a drink every time he uses olive oil or salt, no brainer really.  Her poison was lemonade in shot glasses (there was more on the table than in the glass) and I am ashamed to say that my drink of choice at the time was water with a slice of lemon in it.  Not a very dangerous game eh?  But a lot of laughter ensued and excited shouts of "SALT SALT SALT" or "OIL" could be heard across the hills and valleys.  So from now on Friday nights will be in front of Jamie with a drink and shot glasses ready for "me ol' mate" and salt.  Aaah, we know how to live wild here in the country.  Never a dull moment, always a laugh and I would say quite full bladders on Friday nights with Jamie.

Twisted Sister and the Dynamic Daughter are both into Facebook and often keep up to date with each other that way.  One night, in the one house, in fact in the one room, they caught up with each other on Facebook, as you do.  Has conversation become so-o-o tiresome?

Twisted Sister has gone home, free range eggs packed in her luggage and my recipe for chicken schnitzel in her head, (Oh boy!).  No doubt we will see her again in the ever excitng country shouting "SALT", "OIL" or possibly "FACEBOOK".


Twisted Sister said...

you're a eccentric sister you!

Swellbelle said...

It takes one to know one!!!