Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Proud Proud Mother

Have I bragged enough about my offspring?  Nope, got more of it.

The Dynamic Daughter is in an important year at high school.  Year 11 involves lots of work towards the HSC and she is attacking it like a woman possessed.  She also has her out-of-school drama lessons.  That amazing teenager has also taken on a fundraising effort for her trip, with a group of teens, to a developing country where they will trek for days, do volunteer work in a village and play tourist at the end.  A huge undertaking for these young people as they have to make the decisions, source their accommodation, food and transport in-country.  It is a team and character building challenge which is not meant to be easy or simple.  And they will be helping those less fortunate then themselves.  Wow!  I am in awe.  It is expensive and the costs have to be met by fundraising/own pocket and she has taken this on with gusto.

I am certain I was not mature or confident enough to take this sort of thing on at her age.  I believe the youth of today are amazing.

The Dynamic Daughter and her friend the Curly Headed Young Man, who is also going, ran a trivia night recently in our little country community hall and what a success it was.  I was not allowed to help.  The Old Cheese (my mother) and I were allowed to cook and supply food but the two teens completely ran it themselves.  All teams had excellent fun and at the end everyone helped pack up the hall and clean it.  The community spirit was outstanding.  They raised a gross total of $730! 

My team were not allowed to win and so with great restraint we came nearly last.  The things we do for our children.

Just to add to the Dynamic Daughter's workload she has also become a youth ambassador for the local performing arts industry. 

And...she wants to organise her 16th birthday party.  Phew, I am exhausted.  Oh, that's right it is not about me (damn!). 

We had an excellent parent teacher interview night recently and so all is going swimmingly.  I am mildly concerned (as are a couple of her teachers) that she will crash and burn with all this pressure upon her.  She has had issues with anxiety and depression in the past and she is cyclothymic which means she can have extreme highs and lows but we talk with her about it and try our best to keep communications open.  Well, as open as a teenager wants to be with their parents anyway.  Hopefully with maturity comes better ways of dealing with these pressures and as parents, all we can do is be there for our babies........err sorry, teenagers.  Slipped into smother mode there.

The Dynamic Daughter and the Curly Haired Young Man are holding a high tea soon, another fundraiser.  I offered to come and do the washing up and was met with stone cold silence (crickets chirping).  Okay-y-y.  Only if you want I plead.  Silence.  Hmmm, is the thought of something so elegant and ladylike impossible to imagine with me in the room?   Aaaahhh!  I am an uncouth slob obviously.

Have I told you how proud I am?  Oh, alright.  Good luck Dynamic Daughter!

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