Soul Sister and I have commenced a five week course at the local photography shop - SLR photography. My camera is technically not an SLR and it is about three years old but, like my dump bought bike, it doesn't matter. I have what is called a bridging camera, more than a point and shoot but does not have the ability to change lenses. It has all the other features though and I love it so I might be plonking some clever yet artistically done photos on this blog site....or mayhap some mediocre attempts at same.
Our homework for this week included metering mode and exposure lock! Sounds impressive eh? Anyhoo I was setting up in the shed for a couple of photos alternating dark and light exposure and who should pop her head in the door but old Bubbles. This shed does contain the horse feed so it is understandable but it suddenly made my photo so much more interesting then shed door and grass. More arse than class here I'm afraid. It could not have worked better if I had actually tried to set this up.
At the end of the five weeks there will be a blind judging of the best photo from the participants. I have already selected this one as a possibility purely on cuteness factor.
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