Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brain Goes to Mush

OK, I told you I stuffed up my colonoscopy appointment month, and I accused my mobile of not charging when I didn't have the plug turned on, well... there is more.  Sigh.  My brain has become mashed peas with the occasional floatie piece of soggy white bread (no substance).  Let me list them for you.

  1. I am allowed 200MB data a month on my mobile plan.  I usually don't even get close to that usage but this month I was panicking.  Oh my God, after 3 days into the new month my data usage was soaring.  I switched everything off, apps, updates...what had I done?  I had no idea.  When it got over 245 I was going to lose the plot, such as it is.  Then, I realised it was counting in KB not MB.  Derr sister!  When it got to 1MB I had to laugh.
  2. Bought a shopping basket to attach to the carry rack of my push bike.  Oh yeah, she was a beauty, simple to install and would carry my stuff.  Only, I decided to install it when my poor brain was already strained from too many scathingly brilliant ideas racing through it.  First go, I attached the four screws and washers to the to mounting plates beneath the basket.  Fiddly but not overtaxing.  Easy.  Except when I was finished, the basket was not, in fact, attached to the carry rack.  Oh the mounting plates were attached alright but they were completely separate from the rack.  Yep I could see the problem straight away because I am that clever.  But Mrs Fixit/Never Say Die/Too Proud to Ask for Help tried again.  Second time I incorporated the rack and it was definitely attached this time but the brackets were facing the wrong direction.  Sigh.  Third time I had the basket attached to the rack, the brackets in the right direction and voila!  So proud.  Eventually.
  3. Soul Sister and I went bike riding on a designated bike track in another town recently.  It was a long, long ride and because we talk, talk, talk and laugh, laugh, laugh and carry on like pork chops I was exhausted by the time we finished.  As we were installing the bikes onto my bike rack Soul Sister realised I was having trouble finding my words.  A sure sign that my brain was in another dimension.  I was a bit wobbly on my feet so she asked me gently if she could do the driving.  Oh yeah, you know what, that is not a bad idea.  Huh!  Utter brilliance.  Soul Sister was moving into survival mode obviously, she wanted to arrive home in one piece.  Fussy.
There are probably more but I can't remember them at this point in time.  Hmmph.  Probably cannot completely blame the brain injury, although it is one lifelong excuse to be used at will.  It could be early onset senility, some strange disease brought on by a mosquito bite, a miniature space ship moving around in the brain, early signs of menopause or just the fact that I am a ruddy great goose.  No comments from Twisted Sister thank you.  I know which you would say.

1 comment:

soul sista said...

and I thought I was being subtle...