Monday, February 27, 2012

Toad Bites Dog

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Bloody Roger!  This dog is approximately 9 years old.  He has lived with the poisonous cane toad hopping around our back yard for all his life and ignored them.  Until last night.  At bed time.  My bed time.  He and I were in the back yard last night, I was hanging out washing just before going to bed.  He was biting a cane toad.  Oh and you know what?  Poison tastes bloody horrible in your mouth apparently. 

We rang the vet.  He told us to hose his mouth out for 10 minutes, rub his gums and inner mouth area and keep him calm.  Do you know many dogs who can keep calm while you hose out their mouth?  Probably more than I imagine.  But a staffy?  But Roger?  It took three of us.  The Young Negotiator was there to stop him from backing out had hold of the little nugget body.  The Dynamic Daughter was on hose duty.  (Don't wash the poison down his throat either).  I was on washing and rinsing duty.  Apparently the poison sticks to surfaces and begins transferring its toxin so that is why you need to rub his tongue, gums, teeth, mouth and not get bitten for your trouble. 

Truth be told he was pretty reasonable considering.  We must have removed all the poison because he stopped frothing and shaking his head.  We were all pretty wet and smelly (you know, wet dog smell) at the end of it.  I don't know whether he will bite a toad again because how much he associates that attack with everything that happened afterwards is any body's guess.  I am hoping not.  Bloody dog.  OK, I am happy he is fine. 

There is nothing like slipping into freshly laundered sheets with pillow and doona fresh from being in the sun all day and having that lovely and unique Eau de Wet Dog come between you and your loved one.

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