Monday, May 7, 2012

25th Wedding Anniversary

The Lovely Husband and I are about to hit this milestone, this month.  Woohoo! We made it.  What a ride!

We celebrated yesterday by going for a relaxed walk along the beach, there were children playing and screaming in the shallows, dogs running after thrown sticks, beautiful sunshine, rolling waves, it was all so perfect (it is autumn here in Oz).  On our way back I took some photos with my phone, we took the exit and stood at the lookout at the top of the sand dunes, we kissed, so romantic. 

It was the wrong exit.  Our car was no where to be seen.

Back on the beach, the sun is shining, dogs playing etc etc (look out for the dog poos) and the next exit was in fact the right one this time.  Went for a drive to a local and usually relaxed seaside town, some big event on and the traffic was gridlocked.  OK, we turned around and drove straight to the fancy schmancy cafe in the countryside we had booked for this auspicious occasion.

Table for two, lovely outlook, amazing menu, oh I feel like a wine.  I drink preservative free wine which is never on any menu but oh look it is on the fancy schmancy menu.  Oh yeah, how groovy is that?  Never heard of this one but it is a chardonnay, we can share that.  What is that number 220 next to that?  No-o-o, it can't be.  Is that 220 number in dollars?  Nice waitress confirms that that is in fact $220.  Holy Crap!  I'll drink water thanks.  What about a cocktail...hmmm, very schmancy again, and I now know what the numbers are and for $15 for a teeny tiny glass of brightly coloured booze I will drink water thanks.  25 years or not I have my limits.  The Lovely Husband went all out and ordered sparkling water!  Phew, what a wild man.  I drank tap water with my single prawn entree wrapped in beautiful flavours and a leaf!  I drank tap water with my pork belly done in the most beautiful marinade and tender to boot.  The tap water was particularly nice with the biscotti I had for dessert, mmmm, yum.

The arrangement for that night was for the offspring to cook dinner which they did.  Crumbed lamb cutlets, chips and store bought shredded salad with sachet of dressing.  A glass of wine from our fridge and the company of our beautiful children, aaah, it does not get better than that.  Dessert was a supermarket apple pie with a carton of custard.

On our anniversary day we will have apricot chicken.  The Lovely Husband wooed me with that one all those years ago. 

The simple pleasures in life do not have to be fancy or schmancy or cost $220.  They can be as simple as a French Onion Soup sachet, a tin of apricot nectar and chicken pieces, baked and served with rice.

You may read this and think, hmmm, these country hicks are far from sophisticated but I say who gives a sloppy cow pat!  We have made 25 years and we still have a lot of years to go, many more crumbed lamb cutlets, more servings of apricot chicken but no where on this earth will I ever have a bottle of $220 chardonnay.

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