I love reptiles, this is a little skink on our front fence post. I appreciate big lizards too and even snakes. A lot of people hate and fear snakes but we have to live with them in our country and I think the fear of them is a waste of energy. We have had a couple of close calls with venomous snakes but were not bitten.
When I was a child I was absolutely fearless when it came to all manner of reptiles and bugs. I would capture the bearded dragon (native lizard common in gardens) and hang them on the front of my t-shirt. I thought they loved me as their claws dug desperately into my shirt but in reality they were hanging on for dear life. I would keep them for a day or two and then release them. We also had blue tongued lizards in our garden which were easier to catch as they were more sluggish. As the name suggests their tongue is actually blue. Except the one I shared my red icy pole with. It's tongue turned a strange purple/red colour.
I was slightly obsessive when it came to "creepy crawlies". I had the whole Steve Irwin thing happening, just not the enthusiastic dialogue. I shared a room with my sister who was seven years older than me and was not impressed with any creature I happen to treasure. Many times she screamed, running hysterically from our room accusing me of targeting her with my Christmas beetles (dung beetle) or chrysalis or frogs. I thought that her bed was the perfect environment for my new friends. OK, so I was not terribly well informed. My mother's sewing draws were often populated with a collection of beetles or cocoons.
Boys at school who loved to frighten girls with frogs from the boys' toilet were sorely disappointed with my reaction.
I don't fear the reptiles and bugs as an adult but I don't go around catching them either. They are best left alone and appreciated in their natural environment, not hanging from my clothing.
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