There is nothing nicer than seeing this girl do her big donuts or figure eights in the paddock. She takes off so fast and if she happens to whizz by you, you must stay perfectly still or she will crash into you and all will suffer. Stopping is another matter. She looks so awkward if she tries to stop too suddenly, all those legs gather under her and she looks like her bones/joints will pop out.
The calves think she is top sport and will give chase. Luckily she can outrun them because old Layla is a bit afraid of the cows. Unlike Roger, staffy stupid! He is oblivious to the menacing mother cows if he meanders to close too their calves. Totally clueless! And somehow he gets away with it. The mothers must realise his inability to cause danger and let him slide. Roger will, unlike Layla, actually play with the calves until mother breaks it up.
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