Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Am Going Back to School

I am attempting to improve my mind... OK friends of mine, stop laughing! 

I was an average student in high school and didn't go past year 10.  I have some qualifications from TAFE but now am embarking on the ultimate challenge for those of us who are learnedly challenged.  (See what I mean?).  I have applied and been accepted to our local university to do a course that teaches you how to be a uni student.  How odd eh?  It is free and the course even has an orientation day which I think is classic. They will lead us by the hand, which I desperately need, and so am pleased.

I feel quite intimidated by the idea of uni and have a fear of failure.  Not so much my ability but my brain's habit of shutting down if I concentrate too much and which leads my body to need sleep.  The course involves four units but I am only attempting one at a time, even that seems too much considering I work a whole seven hours a week.  I know, where will I find the time?  It does not sound like much but my damaged brain has a limited capacity for working and this will be a major challenge for it.  Even so, I am looking forward to the toga parties, the binge nights, trying to sneak into pubs under age.... oh right, I haven't been asked for ID for a very long time.

If, and I mean a very big IF, I complete this course and do reasonably well I intend to take it further and do creative writing.  Then maybe after that I could take on engineering.  Then after that I could become a neurosurgeon.  After that I could have a shot at political science.  The possibilities are endless (just like my imagination).  One small step forward at a time I think and more than likely three steps back.

I may not manage to blog so much when I "commence my studies" but then I think my personal hygiene could possibly suffer too so just be grateful that you only read my blog and don't actually live with me.  Heart break of heart breaks my camera club might have to continue without me to, depending on how much I can cram into my noggin before it implodes. 

Wish me luck dear bloggers and bloggees for I will need the luck of the entire blogging community to get through this and perhaps an occasional shower.

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