I know I have no right to complain about the incessant rain, the greasy/slimy cement, the bog that is our driveway and the swamp that is our paddock. The chooks are developing webbed feet, the horses are rotting up to their knees and the washing has to get done even though we only have limited under cover line space.
I can't, in all conscience, complain when in Queensland the destruction from the excess rainfall is unprecedented. According to the news 75% of the state is in crisis. Whole villages destroyed, 10 people so far reported dead and 65 missing. This is unheard of in Australia. Yes we have floods but never before has it been this devastating. Toowoomba is in the mountains and had a 'tsunami' roar down their main street catching people by surprise and taking cars and detritus with it. Houses in the valleys either side of the mountain range have been swept away and businesses and crops destroyed. So many of Brisbane's suburbs are effected and the flood level has yet to peak.
I have to say that I would hate the stress of relying on the weather for my income. We have had years of devastating drought in some areas of Australia, followed by locust plagues and now some are experiencing severe flooding.
When I was very small we lived in the flood zone of our town and during the floods our beds and furniture were propped up on bricks, blocks, anything that would help. Our house and the others in the area were up on stilts. No-one kept carpet on their floors and the smell when the flood recedes is of rancid mud and garbage. Lovely.
I know that many of us have been staring at the news with slack jaw shock and find it very hard to comprehend what the victims are going through. It will be a long and hard way back for many, many people.
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