Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Greyhound Run

Imagine the theme music for the old 6 million dollar man TV show
Our Layla Greyhound is a failed racer.  She was washed up at the age of 3.  When we first got her she did not like walking on the grass very much.  In the paddocks she would follow the cattle paths and avoid "nature" at all costs.  Now at the age of 9 she is a happy farm dog who dislikes walking on the road.  Paddocks are her preference and rabbits are her focus.

We have had a lot of rain recently and the dogs have not had the walks they usually get.  Cabin fever has affected us all but none more than Roger our Cyclone Staffy.  So, in a recent break in the weather I took both dogs for a run in the paddock.  Layla was seen to run off into the long grass after what I assume was a rabbit.  She met met at the top of the hill, puffed but happy.  On the way down the hill she and I saw another rabbit.  Only this time there was sheep fencing between her and her quarry.  Still, it made for a fun chase up and down said fence.  Before we reached the foot of the hill she took chase yet again only this time the grass was longer and thicker in patches.  My brindle greyhound was seen doing Bambi like romping in and out of the long grass, ears erect and eyes alert.  She leaped around for some time and was very entertaining.  Just a note here, she has not managed to catch any rabbits, hence her probable failure on the race track.

Back at the house Layla looked like heart attack material.  She was so puffed she was almost wheezing.  Her poor old chest was heaving air into her lungs and her tongue was about as wide as it could get.  But, for a rescue dog who was brought up in a cage and was not used to grass, this is fantastic to see her so happy in her half dead state.  What a way to go eh?

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