Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm So-o-o-o Embarrassed

This will make you laugh.  It is embarrassing but it is funny.  In my previous post I talked about starving, dying etc.  Well, it is not strictly true anymore.  Now remember that I have a brain injury (that old chestnut) and am approaching the age of menopause and am a busy mum with lots on my plate, so to speak, pun intended.  Let's not consider the fact that I might be a goose, a dimwit, a total lame brain.  Let's just leave the name calling aside and blame my age or brain or motherhood.

This afternoon I phoned the day surgery about my colonoscopy tomorrow to confirm a time as you do.  Luckily it was before I took the first Drano solution to empty out my digestive tract.  It appears I read the date wrong and my procedure is not until the beginning of next month.  Oops.  All that complaining, all that suffering, all that clear liquid and it was for naught.  And, I gotta' do it again next month.  Wow.

But what really has me tossing down the chocolate biscuits is when I phoned the Lovely Husband (and I use the term loosely) to tell him of my mistake he turns around and proceeds to share with his workmates, all of them.  Oh how funny it was, he thought.  Then, I say, then, he tells them about how about two weeks ago I was bitching and complaining about my relatively new mobile phone not working, not charging and I was going to deal with the stupid phone company, the stupid contract I was locked in, the stupid charger.  Except when I went to unplug it, I saw that I had not actually turned it on at the power point.  Duhh!  Needless to say, the phone is fine, the phone company unharmed and the charger functioning normally.  Unlike my head.  Sigh.

Must go eat now, I have some serious catching up to do.  It will not consist of jelly, clear soup or yet more water.

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