A lot of waffle about my life on a small property in Australia and the people and animals that share it with me.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Dessert in Australia
Carrots or Mandrake Plant from Harry Potter?
My baby eggplant and one chilli have grown successfully and tasted better than the carrots.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Sexy Undies
M & M undies say romance is not dead in a marriage don't you think? That was just for his birthday, what will he get for christmas? Never you mind.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Twisted Sister, Dynamic Daughter & Jamie Oliver
We have just had a visit from the Twisted Sister from the Twisted City and it was a lot of fun. A lot of our conversations and laughter evolves around food for some reason but that is not so bad. She ain't a bad ol' stick really, we love her.
While Twisted Sister was here the 15 year old Dynamic Daughter came up with a drinking game while watching Jamie Oliver on TV. Yes I said 15 year old. We were all joking about how Jamie loves his olive oil "me ol' mate" and salt "just a bit of" with nearly all savoury dishes. I am sure if he could find a reason he would put them into sweet stuff as well. So DD suggested we have a drink every time he uses olive oil or salt, no brainer really. Her poison was lemonade in shot glasses (there was more on the table than in the glass) and I am ashamed to say that my drink of choice at the time was water with a slice of lemon in it. Not a very dangerous game eh? But a lot of laughter ensued and excited shouts of "SALT SALT SALT" or "OIL" could be heard across the hills and valleys. So from now on Friday nights will be in front of Jamie with a drink and shot glasses ready for "me ol' mate" and salt. Aaah, we know how to live wild here in the country. Never a dull moment, always a laugh and I would say quite full bladders on Friday nights with Jamie.
Twisted Sister and the Dynamic Daughter are both into Facebook and often keep up to date with each other that way. One night, in the one house, in fact in the one room, they caught up with each other on Facebook, as you do. Has conversation become so-o-o tiresome?
Twisted Sister has gone home, free range eggs packed in her luggage and my recipe for chicken schnitzel in her head, (Oh boy!). No doubt we will see her again in the ever excitng country shouting "SALT", "OIL" or possibly "FACEBOOK".
While Twisted Sister was here the 15 year old Dynamic Daughter came up with a drinking game while watching Jamie Oliver on TV. Yes I said 15 year old. We were all joking about how Jamie loves his olive oil "me ol' mate" and salt "just a bit of" with nearly all savoury dishes. I am sure if he could find a reason he would put them into sweet stuff as well. So DD suggested we have a drink every time he uses olive oil or salt, no brainer really. Her poison was lemonade in shot glasses (there was more on the table than in the glass) and I am ashamed to say that my drink of choice at the time was water with a slice of lemon in it. Not a very dangerous game eh? But a lot of laughter ensued and excited shouts of "SALT SALT SALT" or "OIL" could be heard across the hills and valleys. So from now on Friday nights will be in front of Jamie with a drink and shot glasses ready for "me ol' mate" and salt. Aaah, we know how to live wild here in the country. Never a dull moment, always a laugh and I would say quite full bladders on Friday nights with Jamie.
Twisted Sister and the Dynamic Daughter are both into Facebook and often keep up to date with each other that way. One night, in the one house, in fact in the one room, they caught up with each other on Facebook, as you do. Has conversation become so-o-o tiresome?
Twisted Sister has gone home, free range eggs packed in her luggage and my recipe for chicken schnitzel in her head, (Oh boy!). No doubt we will see her again in the ever excitng country shouting "SALT", "OIL" or possibly "FACEBOOK".
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Homegrown Produce
Grazing Muzzles for Two Fat Horses
They look like dangerous brumbies or cannibal zombie horses. Well, they would if they were not so rotund and docile. They can't even manage a crazed look or death stare.
Hopefully they will lose weight and be lean mean petting machines.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sewing Room
OK, this little bag is my "sewing room". I cannot sew to save myself and Soul Sister and I recently had a work Christmas Party outfit to make as you can see and this is what I found in my kit. Not very impressive eh? We have made two halves of a bonbon/cracker with a wire frame and the cheapest material buyable had to be sewn onto the frame. We sat and nattered while we sewed. "So howya' been?" We laughed and made rude jokes out of absolutely nothing but Soul Sister can actually sew and was using 'blanket stitch'. I on the other hand winged it and called it 'mattress stitch'. Why? Dunno, just came to me. Unfortunately the mattress stitch was an abysmal failure and I had to re-sew everything again the next day. No worries, it only has to survive one night and then it can fall apart all it likes. I may be able to waffle till the cows come home but sewing is like a foreign language to me. We will have fun though.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Beetle & Butterfly
No insects were harmed in the making of this photo, although the butterfly's brittle abdomen did fall off from my poor handling skills. And I did loose the fly in a light breeze. But apart from that...
Geese Rest in Peace
Unfortunately some bloody fox/dog killed our Bruce and Fanny recently. It was very sad and it makes you angry to think they ended their lives so brutally. They must have been terrified. I will miss them. The family were saddened by their demise but in all honesty do not miss them. No more goose poo to avoid. Bruce's angry charges and their early morning honk fest is not something the family enjoyed but they suffered it without major complaint knowing I loved the rascals.
I had to fence off my herb garden and my carrots. I had you at my back door every afternoon an hour before your dinner time noisily demanding your grain. It is even likely I have a small scar on my right buttock from the bite Bruce inflicted that time long ago to remember you by (if only I could see that far around).
Goodbye my little poo factories.
I had to fence off my herb garden and my carrots. I had you at my back door every afternoon an hour before your dinner time noisily demanding your grain. It is even likely I have a small scar on my right buttock from the bite Bruce inflicted that time long ago to remember you by (if only I could see that far around).
Goodbye my little poo factories.
Rotten Egg Theft
University? Not Anymore
I have my photography club and I assure you my obsession with my homework each month is taxing enough. My family inwardly groan every time we have a new theme as I can read anything into any old innocent mushroom in the paddock or a foot on the balcony railing. I obsess and drag them kicking and screaming along with me. They love me. I tell them every day. Eventually it will be so ingrained in their psyche they will happily point out the next item that speaks to them photographically. Aaahh, normality returns.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Brainy Rainy Day
Phew, I have been to university for TWO (2) HOURS man! Already I feel more intelligent. I purchased my text book for a million dollars, got my parking permit and even found my classroom, in torrential rain, without a problem. Had to climb the mother of all hills to get to it but still, it was where it was supposed to be. In fact found my classroom so efficiently I had time to buy a cuppa joe, actually it was a cuppa jo jo - hot chocolate. I don't drink coffee.
In class I listened intently, only yawned once or twice and I even asked questions. That was how I found out I had registered in two different classes for the one subject. Poopanola. It turns out the second TWO hours I attend later this week should be in the afternoon between 1 and 3. I chose and registered for the morning session which turns out is not my class at all. As my brain shuts down between the hours of 1 and 3 I cannot attend. So-o-o, I have to dis-enrol from that subject and start again but this time externally. I will be attending uni from my home, from the country cottage I reside in, 12km away from the uni on the hill. WHAT ABOUT MY PARKING PERMIT? THE TOGA PARTIES? THE GENERAL CAMARADERIE FROM THE CLASSROOM?
I am sure the dogs and I will have a few laughs, they will watch me drink my home made chai latte on skim and we will look back at our uni days with some nostalgia. I am sure I will feel equally as intelligent. I guess I don't have to climb the mother of all hills to go to class. My parking permit can still be attached to the car in the garage, it won't hurt anyone.
I hope I can successfully dis-enrol (I made that word up) and re-enrol. I have no idea how to attend uni externally but I am sure I will soon learn. It could be called slipper class, or dust bunny uni or even 'where the hell do I get some self discipline from?' learning. Onwards and upwards! Have I mentioned that I feel more intelligent already (forgetting the fact that I mis-enrolled - another new word)? Wish me luck people, I will certainly need it.
In class I listened intently, only yawned once or twice and I even asked questions. That was how I found out I had registered in two different classes for the one subject. Poopanola. It turns out the second TWO hours I attend later this week should be in the afternoon between 1 and 3. I chose and registered for the morning session which turns out is not my class at all. As my brain shuts down between the hours of 1 and 3 I cannot attend. So-o-o, I have to dis-enrol from that subject and start again but this time externally. I will be attending uni from my home, from the country cottage I reside in, 12km away from the uni on the hill. WHAT ABOUT MY PARKING PERMIT? THE TOGA PARTIES? THE GENERAL CAMARADERIE FROM THE CLASSROOM?
I am sure the dogs and I will have a few laughs, they will watch me drink my home made chai latte on skim and we will look back at our uni days with some nostalgia. I am sure I will feel equally as intelligent. I guess I don't have to climb the mother of all hills to go to class. My parking permit can still be attached to the car in the garage, it won't hurt anyone.
I hope I can successfully dis-enrol (I made that word up) and re-enrol. I have no idea how to attend uni externally but I am sure I will soon learn. It could be called slipper class, or dust bunny uni or even 'where the hell do I get some self discipline from?' learning. Onwards and upwards! Have I mentioned that I feel more intelligent already (forgetting the fact that I mis-enrolled - another new word)? Wish me luck people, I will certainly need it.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
B & B
First B & B that comes to mind is the obvious one, Bed & Breakfast. The Lovely Husband and I spent our 10 day honeymoon travelling around the isle of Tasmania 24 years ago and spent nearly every night in a lovely B & B. What good memories.
Bold and the Beautiful. Vomit! Who watches that nonsense? Certainly not moi. The plots are rehashed every couple of months. I mean how many times do those stupid women Taylor and Brooke have to marry the man with the impossible name of Ridge? He has divorced or been widowed by both women many times and still cannot make life decisions at 50 + years in age without his mother's consent.
But I never watch the show.
Brooke has married every male in two generations of Forresters and flirted with the third (her stepson), sicko. She has had sex with both her daughters' boyfriends/husbands and wonders why Stephanie, her sometimes mother-in-law, does not approve.
Ok, I have seen the odd episode. And I would never discuss it at work with another BnB tragic.
Bloated and Bleeding. My least favourite time of the month. Pregnancy and breastfeeding provided excellent reprieve all those years ago but one cannot be perpetually pregnant and breastfeeding and remain intact mentally and physically. Nope, just have to wait it out. It used to be a cause for celebration (I am woman hear me roar), and not pregnant. I don't need that assurance anymore, not since I had the diamante clips placed over my fallopian tubes to prevent such mishaps, (one red stone, one green and one clear).
If ever I am in some violent accident and the poor tired rescue worker or surgeon trying to piece my near lifeless body back together gazes upon my diamante fallopian tube clips and wonders, perhaps sighs with the beauty of them, you know, gives them a precious sight in the scene of blood and guts and gravel rash. They would go home after 18 hours straight, exhausted and depressed and be able to look back at those sexy little fallopian tubes and maybe they will smile. Cue tear, just a single one.
HEY, do you think I could write for the Bold and the Beautiful? Hell yes, I have the talent, I have the imagination and the crap-metre is way, way up here. The whole diamante fallopian tube clip scenario could be a winner. Or not. Whatever, all I know is is that B & B number three is always a pleasure (sarcasm reigns supreme right now).
First B & B that comes to mind is the obvious one, Bed & Breakfast. The Lovely Husband and I spent our 10 day honeymoon travelling around the isle of Tasmania 24 years ago and spent nearly every night in a lovely B & B. What good memories.
Bold and the Beautiful. Vomit! Who watches that nonsense? Certainly not moi. The plots are rehashed every couple of months. I mean how many times do those stupid women Taylor and Brooke have to marry the man with the impossible name of Ridge? He has divorced or been widowed by both women many times and still cannot make life decisions at 50 + years in age without his mother's consent.
But I never watch the show.
Brooke has married every male in two generations of Forresters and flirted with the third (her stepson), sicko. She has had sex with both her daughters' boyfriends/husbands and wonders why Stephanie, her sometimes mother-in-law, does not approve.
Ok, I have seen the odd episode. And I would never discuss it at work with another BnB tragic.
Bloated and Bleeding. My least favourite time of the month. Pregnancy and breastfeeding provided excellent reprieve all those years ago but one cannot be perpetually pregnant and breastfeeding and remain intact mentally and physically. Nope, just have to wait it out. It used to be a cause for celebration (I am woman hear me roar), and not pregnant. I don't need that assurance anymore, not since I had the diamante clips placed over my fallopian tubes to prevent such mishaps, (one red stone, one green and one clear).
If ever I am in some violent accident and the poor tired rescue worker or surgeon trying to piece my near lifeless body back together gazes upon my diamante fallopian tube clips and wonders, perhaps sighs with the beauty of them, you know, gives them a precious sight in the scene of blood and guts and gravel rash. They would go home after 18 hours straight, exhausted and depressed and be able to look back at those sexy little fallopian tubes and maybe they will smile. Cue tear, just a single one.
HEY, do you think I could write for the Bold and the Beautiful? Hell yes, I have the talent, I have the imagination and the crap-metre is way, way up here. The whole diamante fallopian tube clip scenario could be a winner. Or not. Whatever, all I know is is that B & B number three is always a pleasure (sarcasm reigns supreme right now).
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
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