Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teenagers Cause Grey Hair

I have told you previously that the Dynamic Daughter has broken three vertebrae in her spine doing gymnastics at school. I also told you that after extensive investigation into an incidental problem found in the spinal x-rays that she was destined never to play contact sports again. Well, she has since been to a spinal unit at a children's hospital in the Big Metropolis and been given the all clear. She can, in fact, do contact sports and no compromise is necessary in her life. Her bone density is slightly reduced and so a good healthy diet and exercise is to be forced upon her with the usual parental enthusiasm.

But the Dynamic Daughter is fighting back. She will suffer the core strengthening exercises, the swimming three times a week and even the healthy, calcium packed diet. But wait for it, the school sport she has chosen for this term is that bloody death defying, back breaking, ambulance attracting gymnastics. I can't believe it. Oh, she still has some unbroken vertebrae and I assume there is some of her spine that is not affected by a scoliosis so why the hell not? Because it scares the brown and sloppies out of me. It's tomorrow. Sport is tomorrow... at the time of my sleep. I told her I would be sitting on the side of the bed, rocking back and forth, waiting for that call from the school. How could she do this to me? Because as I have said many times before it is all about me. (A part of me admires her bravery and determination and dare I say it, the stubbornness which she most probably inherited from me).

Why then, you may ask, is there a photo of a grasshopper with this particular post? No reason whatsoever. I just liked it.


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Loved your comment. :-) And really enjoyed your blog as well. Good luck with acrobatic daughter!

Swellbelle said...

Thanks very much.

Just a note about the Dynamic Daughter. She did not end up doing the gymnastics because of some school glitch and is already thinking of changing to basketball. Sigh.