Friday, February 21, 2014

Megatron Destructopuppy Escapes Stalag 13

Yes, just look at her.  Who doesn't love a puppy right?  They are so cute and soft, playful and happy.  Oh yeah Megatron is just a bundle of joy.

Megatron was a free puppy, you know, the backyard mongrel that should be able to survive and thrive because of their hybrid vigour.  Tough as old boots and easy to care for.  Our new puppy is all of this and more.  She also comes with an uncanny ability to excavate where you are most likely to tread when not looking.  Her skills at destroying all that is beautiful in this little part of the world is unmatched, eg. water garden, fake lillies, hats, balls, Roger staffy's ears, food dishes - hers or not (OK, they're not particularly beautiful) and hats.  Megatron has a particular liking for socks; clean or dirty it does not matter.

Her interest in the cats has scored her many a scratch on the nose but she can't help herself.  Those furry little soft critters are just so mesmerising.  Dr Watson will chase her and Cous Cous will stand up to her so there is no danger to them beyond the pest aspect.

The latest and biggest problem with owning a puppy is the yard security - keeping her in. And this free puppy has cost a fortune in fencing materials.  The first fence was put up by professionals with apparently dog proof fencing - HUH!  Try again. 

We had some left over fencing wire so we moved it along the half-way mark to the last fencing installment (literally halving the space available to escape through) and the Lovely Husband and I spent many hours clamping it to the original fence.  We had just stood back and sighed with relief at our completed fencing when Megatron Destructopuppy stuck her head through the fence.  Oh how cute, she can get her head through, we smiled knowingly.  But then our smile was wiped completely away as a front leg followed, then another, her body twisting and turning, and then FLOP! She fell to ground on the outside of the fence.  We stood there, slack jawed and didn't know whether to cry or rant.  I think I swore profusely at this stage.  She is part snake or lizard or something. 

Fencing Part III:  The Lovely Husband bought some small gauge welded wire and again we clipped that to the original fence over many hours and again stood back to admire our hard work.  This time there was no way that part puppy, part snake was getting out.....sigh, finally she is locked up.

Megatron Destructopuppy, escapologist extraordinaire is contained.  We can relax in the knowledge she is not going visiting the neighbours and digging in their yards, destroying their hats and stealing their socks.  That fence willl stand for many a year and contain all manner of dogs big or small. We are able to relax on the back veranda, drink in hand and watch over all that is fenced.  Job well done, again.

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