Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Embarrassing Moment No 148 by Offspring

There was a time, quite a few years ago, when my daughter would regularly ring the radio station of a morning to answer a set question in the hope of winning a prize. One morning the question was "How have your parent(s) embarrassed you?"

To set the scene here, pre-injury I was an enthusiastic work Christmas party attendee. My workmate and I would try and outdo our efforts of the last year's party. The creative process was nearly as much fun as the party. As you can see by these two examples we did quite well.

Anyway, my young daughter's answer to the DJ's question, heard by all who were listening that morning, was........"My mum and her friend (named her) like to put on wigs and dress up in gowns and go out at night". The DJ was delighted. He asked her what sort of wigs? Oh beehives and stuff. I heard this on the radio in another room of the house and immediately thought that I sounded like a prostitute.

When I asked at work that day if anyone had heard it, another workmate hooted, she thought that the child had been talking about a prostitute too. A few people knew who the child was and thought it very funny.

The big mouthed daughter won the prize that day and I was to accompany her to the radio station to pick up her prize. I threatened to wear my beehive during this process but I did wonder if she had won just so they could see this mother of the night.

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